Monday, 24 January 2011

golden eye by enVie

For the pirates of the digital ocean, and all of those who successfully navigated here, enVie opens its treasure chest.

Gold is malleable. Thus Zeus poured rains of gold to seduce
the inaccessible Danaë.

Gold is rare.
Thus the Argonauts sailed the vast seas,
and Jason vanquished a dragon,to carry away the mythical Fleece.

Gold sparkles. Thus Cleopatra adorned her lips,
her cheeks, and her delicate lids with powders of a precious hue.

Cows and minks, jewels and candlesticks, ostriches and snakes, totems and fire-places...
Inside secret laboratories, studios or ateliers, the learned alchemists of style transmute all things into gold.

Camille Fournet and the Ostrich's Dream

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